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Israel repels hacker attacks

Posted on: May 25th, 2013

Israel repels hacker attacksThe anti-Israel group known as Anonymous created a video claiming that on the 7th of April that there would be a coordinated cyber-attack against Israel in an attempt to “wipe Israel off the Internet”. A not-so-vague reference to the goal of Hamas and several other Muslim leaders to “wipe Israel off the map”. What Hamas and the others desire is a full scale slaughter of all Israelites, and in this the Anonymous group attempted to do symbolically what the Muslim groups hope to accomplish for real. The group’s main complaints against Israel included unnamed human rights violations, illegal settlements in the Gaza Strip, not respecting the ceasefire and ignoring international law.

The April 7th date is the date that Israel sets aside as the Holocaust Remembrance Day and thus was a day to make a political statement. The Anonymous Group called this attack “OpIsrael” (Operation Israel). While this protest pretense was in response to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, several of the ‘facts’ the group used to protest against Israel were sadly lacking truth. An Israeli hacker took over the OpIsrael website to correct these errors and added some facts they conveniently forgot. For example, the date of Israel’s becoming a nation is two thousand years before the spread of Islam across the continent. And, Israel was officially recognized as a nation twenty years before the Arab refugees in the area calling themselves Palestinians. The Flotilla boat exercise is also contentious, Muslims onboard began attacking Israeli military, who defended themselves from the onslaught.

While the Israeli newspaper admits that some sites were successfully hacked, the attacks were repelled quickly. The Anonymous group claims that 19,000 Facebook accounts of Israelis were hacked, that number has not been confirmed with another source. The group continues to hack into Israeli sites still in protest to the nations’ actions against Muslims.

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